[Workshop] Reactive Programming with .NET and Xamarin.Forms with Andres Pineda – .NET Dominicana

As the growing demand for .NET professionals with knowledge of reactive programming at .NET Dominicana we had the first session of our new great workshop this past Saturday 11, April 2021 where we dealt with everything related to Rx in a .NET environment with the guidance of our Amazing Community Member Andres Pineda.

Event name:                                    Workshop – Reactive Programming with .NET and Xamarin.Forms

Talk Title:                                     Reactive Programming with .NET and Xamarin.Forms    

Description:                                    The goal is that by the end of the 2-day workshop our attendees feel confident enough to work with Rx.Net and RxUI in their applications.

Language:                                        Spanish

Attendees:                                        30~

Website:                                        https://www.meetup.com/dotnetdom/events/277183910/

The workshop will last 6 hours divided into two days (3 hours each day).

The examples are done on a mobile application with Xamarin.Forms, but much of the knowledge acquired during this workshop can be used in different areas of the .NET ecosystem since both Rx.Net and RxUI run on different platforms.


Session 1 (Saturday 10 April, 2:00PM – 5:00PM)

  • Understanding Rx (Recap of our past session Getting Started with Reactive Programming in .NET back in September 2020)
  • Setup
  • Observable Pipelines Flow
  • Commands
  • Filtering
  • Merging
  • Create
  • The Scheduler

Session 2 (Saturday 17 April, 2:00PM – 5:00PM)

  • Understanding RxUI
  • Setup
  • ReactiveObject
  • WhenAny and WhenAnyValue
  • ObservableAsPropertyHelper
  • RxCommands

More about our speaker: Andrés Pineda better known as “Pinedax” is a prominent member of the development community with more than 15 years of experience in the software industry, he has been involved in a variety of projects, successfully delivering innovative solutions. He has experience taking applications from idea to implementation and has published many mobile applications.



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