Workshop – Let’s Create a Xamarin Plugin – Monkey Fest LATAM 2019

Hey Guys!

I recently had the opportunity of participating in the first Monkey Fest LATAM hosted at Ruta N, Medellin Colombia this past 27 – 28 of September.
It was a great event filled with awesome speakers and attendees passionate about Xamarin and all you can achieve with it, the event was divided into two days, the first day was dedicated for all the talks and we closed the 2nd day of the conference with 4 Tracks of workshops ranging from all levels and topics like Intro To Xamarin, IoT with Mobile Apps, Creating Xamarin Plugins, Reactive UI and a ton of other great topics.

Event name:                                    Monkey Fest LATAM, Septiembre 2019

Workshop Title:                            Creating Xamarin Plugins

Description:                                     We got to learn how to take a common use case that you implement as a developer in multiple projects and abstract it into our very own Xamarin Plugin.

Language:                                        Spanish


I really enjoyed the conference and how organized everything was, the attendees even had a chance to do 1 on 1 sessions to ask questions to the speakers about real-life problems they are having with their projects, and how they could improve it.

At the event I had the opportunity to have fun with the attendees in my workshop “Creating Xamarin Plugins” where we got to see how we can easily create a Xamarin Plugin, based on the great multi targetting project template for Xamarin created by our good old friend James Montemagno, Once the attendees saw all the parts of the template and how to configure the project correctly, it was time to publish and make our work available to the community with another great tools created by Oren Novotny the “Nuget Package Explorer” which all of the attendees loved because of how easy it made it for us to preview, modify and publish our plugins directly to the Nuget Gallery and have them available within minutes.

I also got a ton of interesting questions like: When should we use an initializer in our plugin? What about dependencies, who should we delegate them too? Can I create a plugin for UI Components? What are bindings, do we always need to make them? and a bunch more that proved to me that the audience in Colombia is really engaged with their topics of interest and are looking for ways to improve and collaborate I can’t wait for all the cool new plugins we are going to see in the upcoming months from this great community! 😀

Lastly, I would like to thank everyone that came down to play and have fun creating plugins, and to all the winners of stickers and monkeys for answering questions, you guys Rock! and I hope I can get to see you all again in the future and maybe even attend a talk given by you let’s keep the Xamarin Love flowing🥰🥳

Slides & Demo:


Attended with ❤ by Pujolsluis

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