Posts tagged Plugin

Streaming on Xamarin Forms – Xamarin Online LATAM FEST

Hey Guys! The last Tuesday, I had the opportunity of participating on a great initiative of the Xamarin LATAM Community lead by Luis Beltrán, that has the objective of sharing knowledge monthly with the community online, I got the chance to talk about Live-streaming on Xamarin Forms using the newly pre-release Wowza Client Plugin.

Wowza Client Plugin For Xamarin [PRE-RELEASE]

Hey Guys! Recently we had the need for supporting streaming and broadcast playback for one of our App’s, making use of the Wowza Media Services but the only issue was that they were only available on their iOS and Android native SDK’s. Well not anymore!🥳XamBoy and I got to work and now we have just pre-released a brand new Plugin and set of Xamarin Bindings…

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Let’s Create A Xamarin Plugin

Hey Guys! Recently, I have received a few messages from the community asking me mostly 2 questions: “How were you able to create 2 Xamarin Plugins in the last few months” and “What was your experience while creating them, what tools did you use?”, so this week’s post is inspired by those two questions and I will do my best to answer them fully, hoping…

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