How to Display PDF in Xamarin Forms With Ease

Recently, I was researching different ways of displaying PDFs within our Xamarin Forms Apps, and I found that it all boils down to the following approaches.

The first thing we need to know is that it all depends on a few gotchas, like where is our PDF stored? Will it be locally stored on the device or remotely? Do we need to implement a viewer inside the app? Can we delegate the work to the Browser or any existing app?

Let’s Get Started!

File is stored remotely

Delegate work to Device Browser: If the PDF is stored remotely, we can simply pass the URL to the device browser and customize it. We can achieve this by leveraging Xamarin.Essentials library.

Code Snippet:

More info:

Upgrading from Plugins to Xamarin.Essentials - James MontemagnoXamarin.Essentials Open Browser – Xamarin The Browser class in Xamarin.Essentials enable an application to open a web link in the optimized system preferred browser or the external

File Stored in Device: delegating work to any existing app on the device

Delegate work to Device Launcher: This allows the user to select which App opens the PDF file such as Google Drive PDF Viewer. This can be achieved by leveraging Xamarin.Essentials library.

Upgrading from Plugins to Xamarin.Essentials - James MontemagnoXamarin.Essentials Launcher – Xamarin The Launcher class in Xamarin.Essentials enable an application to open a URI by the

File Stored in Device: embedded inside our app solutions

We can achieve this with the following two approaches:

Implement a Custom Viewer solution: We could implement a Custom Viewer to display the PDF directly in the app. We could also take advantage of a third party licensed component like Syncfusion, which offers you a bunch of features besides displaying just the PDF.

There is a great post made by one of our awesome community member Gerald Versluis

Custom Viewer:

ImageShowing PDF files in Xamarin.Forms – Gerald Versluis This will be just a quick-and-dirty blog on showing PDF files in your Xamarin.Forms application. I got the question from an Italian friend who wanted to implement this into an app, so I thought I’d share it with the rest of you!
Note: UIWebView is now deprecated for iOS, and you must use WKWebView instead. -Virsanna

iOS Solution for Deprecated WebViewRenderer, use a WKWebViewRenderer by Vira Gryaznova – Virsanna

Syncfusion PDF Viewer:

NET, Xamarin, JavaScript, Angular UI components | SyncfusionXamarin PDF Viewer | View and review PDF files | Syncfusion Overview: The Xamarin PDF Viewer is a feature-rich and high-performance control to view and review PDF files in Xamarin.Forms applications. The bookmark, hyperlink, and table of contents support provide easy navigation within and outside PDF files.

Ce Finito! 🎊☺️

Great Job! we are now able to display pdfs in any scenario we could encounter. I hope you have a great time trying out all of the solutions and implementing them in your future projects.

Made with ❤ by Pujolsluis

Special Thanks to Virsanna, Faiza Khan, Damian Castroviejo for their great contributions on this article. 🥳

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