Hey Guys!
On Saturday 30th of March, I had the opportunity of participating in the 14th edition of Orlando Code Camp, one-day learning event driven by a group of dedicated volunteers and speakers for programming professionals and students with a focus on coding, databases and related technologies, concepts
Event name: Orlando Code Camp, March 2019
Talk Title: Consuming RESTFul API’s with Refit
Description: We learned about Refit and all the goodies it provides us to turn our API’s into a live interface that we can
Language: English
Website: https://orlandocodecamp.com/
My participation was on the Xamarin/Mobile Development Track, I got to meet the Orlando Community and we learned about Refit and all it provides us for transforming our RESTFul API’s into a live interface inside our Xamarin Forms App’s, allowing us to communicate seamlessly with our services mapping to our endpoints meeting all requirements of the request by configuring our interfaces with attributes to tailer it to our needs.
I really enjoyed getting to meet all the cool tech people down in the Orlando Community, they were all unique and awesome in what they do
Topics discussed on the Live presentation
- What are
RESTFul Services?- What does REST stand for?
- Main Features of REST Services.
- Representations, Messages and URI’s
- Libraries to consume RESTFul Services
- Refit Library
- Refit Features
- How to Setup?
- Permissions
- Creating our API Services as a live Interface
- Live Demo on how to use Refit in our Xamarin Forms
App’s .
Pictures of event

Attended with ⤠by Pujolsluis
Good References to learn more about Consuming RESTFul Services with Refit
- Refit Library Github Repo:
- XamGirl Refit Guides: